2024 Apple Fest Visa Gift Card Raffle

Sharon Reynolds is this year’s winner of the Hilton Apple Fest Visa gift card raffle!
Holiday on Main Street

Hilton Parma Rec’s “Trunk or Treat”

Hilton Apple Fest participated in the Trunk or Treat event on Halloween organized by the Hilton Parma Recreation Department.
Tops Market “Spin to Win”

Tops Market “Spin to Win” benefits the Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf.
2024 Logo Contest Winner

This year’s Apple Fest Logo Contest winner is Daniela Lincoln. Our Board Chairperson, Linda Viney, presented Daniela with a sweatshirt featuring her winning logo and a check for $100. Congratulations, Daniela!
Hilton Apple Fest at Parma Summer Smash

The Apple Fest was active in the Parma Summer Smash selling raffle tickets to win a $500 Visa Gift Card.
Hilton Apple Fest at the Hilton Firemen’s Parade

The Hilton Apple Fest volunteers had a great time at the Hilton Firemen’s Parade. There were 22 volunteers who decorated the float, rode on the float, walkers handing out candy, and those selling raffle tickets at the carnival. Everyone had fun.
2024 Scholarship Winners

Congratulations to David Padoleski and Aiden Hryhorenko who were Seniors in the Hilton Central School District and received our Hilton Apple Fest Scholarships. They received well-honored recognition and their scholarships on June 10th at Bravo Night. They were selected primarily based on their volunteerism in school and in the community. Their essays reflected on their […]
Hilton Apple Fest Supports the Hilton-Parma Food Shelf

On Saturday, June 22nd, Hilton Apple Fest volunteers accepted monetary and food donations to support the Hilton-Parma Emergency Food Shelf. A special thanks to Hilton Parma Recreation for the use of their bus and Hilton Tops Friendly Market for its support. Pictured here are: Linda Viney, Joe Lee, Lydia Birr, Karmen Penders, and Mark Penders.
Hilton Apple Fest and Parma Special Police Working Together

On Saturday, June 8, the Hilton Apple Fest did a road clean-up on Rt 259 from Curtis Road north to the Parkway. The Parma Special Police assisted with safety. Pictured here are Bob Buckhout, Bill Nielson, Mike Lonville, Linda Viney, Joe Lee, and Debbie Buckhout.